Frequently Asked Questions - Coronavirus COVID-19

COVID-19 & Safe Reopening

Student & Employee FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Coronavirus COVID-19.

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Butte College FAQs


在整个大流行期间,我们一直遵循加利福尼亚州发布的指导方针 Department of Public Health and will continue to do so.


Butte College approved Administrative Procedure 5900 on March 16, 2022. The District is not mandating student vaccinations. 

任何学生或工作人员都可以在学生健康诊所获得COVID-19疫苗 who wish to get them. 拨打530-310-4806请求接种疫苗的时间.
对于生病的员工或在医院接触过病毒的员工,可以进行家庭测试 Student Health Clinic while supplies last. Email to request tests. 

No.  允许小规模分发COVID-19疫苗的计划已经结束.  在巴特、格伦、科卢萨、萨特的几乎每家药店都有疫苗 & 尤巴县和各自的公共卫生部门.

确保我们有您最新的E世博ESBALL,以便接收重要的电子邮件和 district announcements.


Faculty & Staff Students

有关我们7天付款政策的最新信息,请访问 Admissions and Records webpage.


General FAQs

If you’re sick, please do not come to campus. 

If you are experiencing 出现COVID-19症状,或最近与患者有过接触 tested positive for COVID-19, please let us know by emailing 您的信息将被保密,但我们将使用它(匿名)来 通知你上课时可能接触到的其他同学. 

If: Exposed to COVID, but no symptoms. 


  • Test within 3-5 days of exposure. 

  • Wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure 

  • If you develop symptoms, stay home and take a test 

COVID检测呈阳性,无论是否接种疫苗、既往感染或缺乏 of symptoms. 


Symptoms are improving or resolved 

AND you’re fever free for 24 hours 

  • 在出现症状或检测呈阳性后的10天内,与他人接触时应戴上口罩。 whichever came first.

If:  You feel ill but have tested negative.


呆在家里,直到你开始感觉好些,不再发烧.  Take a COVID test no more than 24 hours prior to your return to campus.
为了与州和地方指导保持一致,不再使用口罩 required indoors throughout California.

E世博ESBALL鼓励计划在国内或国际旅行的个人 研究他们的目的地,并向疾病预防控制中心或美国国务院咨询 international destinations) before they go.

More information regarding travel is available from the California Department of Public Health


About the Virus

新型冠状病毒是一种以前未被发现的新型冠状病毒. 引起2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的病毒与冠状病毒不同 通常在人类中传播并引起轻微疾病,如普通的 cold.

冠状病毒229E、NL63、OC43或HKU1的诊断与COVID-19不同 diagnosis. COVID-19患者的评估和护理将不同于 patients with a common coronavirus diagnosis.

目前报告的COVID-19患者的症状包括轻度到重度 呼吸系统疾病,伴有发烧、咳嗽和呼吸困难.

More from the California Department of Public Health.

目前对导致2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的病毒如何 传播主要基于对类似冠状病毒的了解. COVID-19 is a new disease; there is more to learn about how it spreads, the severity of the 它引起的疾病,以及它在美国传播的程度.

Person-to-person spread


  • 密切接触的人之间(约6英尺内).
  • 当感染者咳嗽时,通过呼吸道产生飞沫和气溶胶 or sneezes.

这些飞沫会落在附近或可能的人的嘴里或鼻子里 be inhaled into the lungs.

More from the California Department of Public Health.

Not directly. 虽然通过注射流感疫苗来预防流感可以保持你的免疫系统 healthy enough to combat other pathogens such as COVID-19.
  • 通过充足的睡眠、营养、缓解压力来保持免疫系统的健康, and exercise
  • Get Vaccinated: More information is available at from Butte County Public Health
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • 咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾捂住,然后把纸巾扔进垃圾桶
  • 对经常接触的物体和表面进行清洁和消毒 cleaning spray or wipes
  • Handwashing 预防疾病传播的唯一最有效手段是什么.  Washing up 打到手腕,手指间,指甲下持续20秒或更长时间 肥皂和温水对消灭病原体非常有效.  In the absence of 可以使用肥皂和水,酒精含量至少为60%的含酒精洗手液 双手要用力揉搓,直到完全干透. Hands should 经常洗手,尤其是在上完厕所后、吃饭前和吹完气后 your nose, sneezing, or coughing.
  • 遵守国家命令,待在家里,除非有必要离开.

Current Status




Butte College approved Administrative Procedure 5900 on March 16, 2022. The District is not mandating student vaccinations. However, we 强烈鼓励每个人接种COVID-19疫苗.




如果您是正在出现COVID-19症状的学生或工作人员,或有 最近接触过生病的人或COVID-19检测呈阳性的人, please let us know by emailing 您的信息将被保密,但我们将使用它(匿名)来 通知你参加过的班级里的其他人你可能会接触到. Thank you for keeping everyone safe.

Updated August 21, 2023